Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cat and Bunny

   It's 10:24 P.M. M.S.T., Halloween Night, 2009.  I just woke up, after laying down at 5:00 this afternoon.  My Day started early.  The rabbit, Curtis, sneaked through the pocket door into the bedroom at 4:00 A.M., and terrorized the MystryKat, my other trailermate.  It goes like this: A Jump up on the bed, about three laps over the top of me, a pounce or two, hissing, Mystry and Curtis both run over my head, the off down the hall they go.  So, now I'm up, too.  I've got an invitation to a Haloween party tonight, but it's not looking good.
   Nuke some coffee, roll a cigarette, flick on the T.V., wake up the computer.  I log onto Stumble, and browse for a while, decide to check my Gmail account.  Log onto Google.  There is a reminder about my job application with the Forest Service.  I decide I'd better finish it, because the website will be going down, and the deadline is Monday.  Most of it is done, so I just add some more job histories, edit for spelling--I need to locate the appropriate resume' ( I keep several versions, for different types of jobs), and realize that the AVUE Federal job website won't accept .odt (OpenOffice) format.  I open the document with OpenOffice, and convert it to .pdf format, save to desktop.
   I want to look at it, but whoa, it won't open.  I swear I've got Adobe Reader installed, but why won't it open?  I decide to open a new window in Firefox, Google Adobe, and download the latest version of their pdf reader. (reminder, search for the open source pdf reader/editor that I've seen on the Internet, maybe Foxit?)  It turns out that I did have an older version of Adobe Reader, but had just erased the shortcut, which is required, since Adobe self-installs whenever you use it.  Finally, I'm satisfied, and I click the "Submit" button.  Yea, I've just applied for my first federal job!
   Well, it's a nice day out, the sun is shining.  It's been pretty dreary lately, rain and snow mixed, most days.  I have work to do--install the new on-demand water heater, finish the skirting on my trailer, cover the access doors on the side of the trailer, make a cage for the rabbit.  I open the curtains to let the sunshine in, grab my pants.  Cook some oatmeal, with raisins, cinnamon, brown sugar, milk.  It's almost Eleven by now (here it comes).  I went to bed around 1:00 A.M. last night, was awakened by a herd of wildlife (cat and bunny) on my head at 4:00A.M., just had a big breakfast after being up for 6 hours.  After eating, I start getting drowsy, despite many cups of strong coffee.  I decide to take a short nap, but sleep until 4:00 in the afternoon.  I got up, and was going to walk over to the shower (Doh!-I still don't have my water heater installed).  Another cup of Joe, another cigarette, a bowl of Raisin Bran.  The party starts at 6:00, I don't have any kind of costume.  I don't even finish my coffee.  I just crawl back into bed, and sleep five more hours.  So, here I sit at 11:00 at night, writing this blog.
  I started this blogsite last year, but don't post to it very much.  Blogger is pretty good; I see lots of people using it.  However, I don't get too many hits.  I'd like to share my story with others, and improve my daily writing schedule, so I'm going to do it here.  If you come across my site, feel free to leave comments.  I also plan to embed links to some of the sites I encounter daily, on my StumbleUpon site  Thnx, R.T.

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